About Where I Dwell

Wm Aging with Purpose

Where I Dwell: Aging With Purpose is primarily a collection of posts drawn from life as we grow older. The rewards and challenges facing all of us, especially in the later stages of life, can continue to find purpose in meaningful ways.

Where I dwell, where we all dwell, is not only a physical space, it encompasses every possible place our minds can take us.

I’ve broken some of this down into categories. There are more topics than I can possibly cover alone on a regular basis. My genuine hope is that you and others share similar interests.

Let’s grow older together. Free of any charge or obligations, become a contributing member of Where I Dwell to Join Wm.


Without doing as much as is within our power to maintain our health, aging with purpose becomes increasingly difficult as we grow older. We may even lose control over our own decisions about the physical space in which we dwell.


I would like to claim that each category here plays a role in our overall mental, physical and emotional health. We are never too old to add knowledge, which most definitely sharpens our minds.

Where I Dwell: Aging With Purpose is undergoing a transition as I complete a series of classes leading to a certificate in Digital Marketing through CUNY Lehman College. Some posts found under the learning category document the process.


Travel can involve a great deal more preparation as we age, but has many rewards.Please comment and perhaps submit posts describing your own travels, recent, future or past. Posts here may inspire new adventures, for others, they may travel along vicariously. Journeys through our minds, imagination and remembrances can count every bit as much as an actual excursion.

On The Town

Be it alone or getting together with friends, adventures can be found in the On The Town category. Movie and restaurants reviews, time in our amazing parks, craft and food fares, and more.


No matter what age we are, a good Story can turn a challenging day into a day worth celebrating. On the page you’ll find not only stories submitted here, links are also provided to other stories all around the internet. To whet your appetite, here’s a story by my friend and author, Patrick Egan, Ooh, Paddy: A Boy Sits in The Grass Near His Grandfather.


Where I Dwell: Aging With Purpose is very much an ongoing work in progress. Some weeks many find a number of posts, some weeks none at all. I hope you do join, I promise I’ll never share or sell personal information.

Learn more at Join Wm.

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