Trapper John & Mare

Hard to know where to begin when well over a half century of memories come into my head at all manner of places and times. Stories from the early years need to wait, my 3 full days on this Amtrak trip with John and Mary Stec need to be recalled now, while fresh in my mind.

Mary has been affectionately called Mare for as long as I can recall. I wish I had photos from those early years. If you weren’t told, you might have a hard time recognizing John and me in those late ‘60’s photos, but not Mare. She won the Vermont State individual gymnastics championship in high school. She was a very attractive and athletic young woman who has grown into a beautiful woman in every sense of the word.

I wish I could say I helped Mary prepare some of the meals. I tried to offer, but she has that under complete control. Our first night she prepared the best halibut I have ever eaten [no picture], along with a scallop and mushroom soup, fresh asparagus, potatoes and salad. The chicken parmigiana, spaghetti with homemade sauce and salad, pictured, was on my last night. I had that again for lunch before heading into Portland for my train.

Mary became a professional florist working at a top Burlington, Vermont shop. Beautiful flowering plants are all throughout the house year round and outside in season.

I wasn’t able to capture how warm and inviting Mary has made every single room in the house. That even goes for the guest bathroom, with tiny lights that are magical after sunset.

Everyday Mare and I walked around the neighborhood or in a park along the Columbia River. I slowed her down, but every one of the walks was special.

John has always been a great lover of the outdoors. Somehow, I suppose as recognition of his outdoorsmanship, he became Trapper John, although I never recall ever hearing of him setting a trap for any animal — perhaps some mental traps for me. He spent many years off on wilderness trails, on lakes, streams and the ocean. That’s become physically impossible to do in the manner to which he became accustomed.

He replaced the outdoors with his current pursuit, carving. I hope he doesn’t mind, I snuck some photos. He is very skilled, with fine details. I wish I could have captured his carving studio, full of fine tools. John’s become a true craftsman.

In the evenings we found some excellent films to watch. I brought up Martin Scorsese’s ”Killers of the Flower Moon” from my Apple TV+ account. We watched the entire 3h 36m, start to finish, maybe just one quick bathroom break. Mare and John surprised me and brought up “The Holdovers”, staring Paul Giamatti. Mare remembered how much I enjoyed it from a Facebook post.

I’ll try to get some of the early times we spent. There were weekends at Mary’s family camp in Barton, XC skiing, parties, bridge games, a camping trip to The Maritime Provinces… the list is long.

Wm initials

Train Into Seattle

A beautiful early morning ride through the Cascades as I head for a 3 night layover near Seattle. I hope to post a gallery of photos soon. This featured image was snapped somewhere along the Amtrak line shown east of Everett.

I should have included a little more north of map to include Vancouver, Canada. I was chatting yesterday with Eric [on left across table from me]in the observation car. I met Eric the night before at dinner. We got to talking and he may add Vancouver as a stop on his USA Rail Pass. I am considering it.

That’s it for now. Looking forward to the next few days with Jo and Bill.

Wm initials

USA Rail Evening & Morning

The morning routine has evolved. Sleep was far better on this train, the seats are more comfortable, the one next to me empty.

Around 6:00 am, still dark, I headed to the restroom. A washcloth and small towel doesn’t compare to a hot shower, but after I felt a whole lot better being in my own company. Clean underwear, t-shirt and socks, my hair combed, teeth brushed and deodorant applied… a fresh start for the day.

The dining car still wasn’t open, but I just needed a hot coffee. They kindly provided me a complimentary cup. Back at my seat, using just the available light, my the morning breakfast items might be hard to make out. Next to the coffee is an organic carrot juice from Trader Joe’s, it’s good. I really like the Norwegian Crispbread, also from TJ’s. This morning I had Cabot cheddar, but I also like having crunchy NuttZo on it — that’s a healthy snack any time of day. I had another hard steamed egg, one more left for tomorrow.

Last night I decided, for the first time, to try the Amtrak dining car for dinner. They have everyone sign up and you pay ahead, prix fix, $45 for an appetizer, main meal, one alcoholics beer or wine, coffee or soda and a dessert.

They decided the seating and it turned out to be a great group. None of us had met ahead of time. Turns out all these guys have done Amtrak travels in various parts of the country. They had great stories, glad I went. Plus, the food was quite good.

As I am about to post this, about 2:20 pm local time, I am passing through Montana. There are patches of snow and it is obviously well below freezing. I have gone to the observation car, but not a lot to see so far.

Wm initials

First Overnight on Amtrak

When I pushed aside my curtain around 6:00 am, from my first overnight on Amtrak, we were stopped in Toledo, Ohio.

Leaving Penn Station yesterday at 3:40 pm, on time to the minute, the car I was placed in became very nearly full, I was pre-boarded by a Red Cap. A nice guy, probably late 30’s, took the seat next to me, politely first asking if I would mind. Of course I didn’t, turns out he is also going to Chicago.

That was kind of unlucky, for both of us. Most passengers would be getting off before it was time to try and sleep. Unexplainable to me, Amtrak made announcements at each stop that passengers were NOT allowed to change seats. 

Middle of the night, after a lot of restlessness for both of us, my guy wisely moved across the aisle. We could both stretch out and, at least got a little better chance of sleep.

Yesterday’s post was USA Rail Pass Breakfast, this morning’s actual breakfast worked a bit differently. I did have a hard steamed egg, as I rummaged through my cooler, plus a handful of walnuts, long before the cafe car opened. Forgot to bring my nice blueberries, hopefully Hilary will use them up. Finally had my coffee, actually fairly decent.

This leg terminates in Chicago, my notes say 11:17 am, I am assuming that is Central Time. About a 3-4 hr layover before heading to Seattle, a 2 night ride.

I’ll be looking at improving my sleeping arrangements.

Wm initials

USA Rail Pass Breakfast

On Monday afternoon, 2/12/2024, I head off on Amtrak, first visit Seattle. I’ll be staying with friends and family near 4 different stops (see Amtrak USA Rail Pass post for itinerary).

I’ve done some planning for this trip, including breakfast. I bought a cooler in which to keep meal, beverage, and snack options, minimizing cafe car purchases.

Just before starting this blog post about the trip, after snapping the featured photo, I went online to do another of my mourning routines: NY Times Daily Sudoku. Surpisingly –although it should not have been – the photo on the left contains an ad that was for none other than this very Amtrak train option on which I am soon to embark.

The photos may be a fairly typical train travel breakfast: hard steamed eggs; carrots; blueberries; walnuts. I taped a map of the Amtrak rail system, along with stops, into a notebook which will become a hand written journal.

Love it or hate it, we all have to admit that targeted ads have each of us pegged pretty well.

More soon from Riding on the Lake Shore Limited, Chicago, Illinois…

Wm initials

Amtrak USA Rail Pass

An Amtrak USA Rail Pass that allows for travel anywhere on Amtrak’s system over a 28 day period that starts on the first day of travel. For current plans as of this post, I will begin, 2/12/2024, and end, 3/3/2024, at NYC Penn station. The map below shows the entire system.

USA Amtrak Routes

The main highlights of my travel will be stays with friends and family at 4 stops. I plan to post details and photos all along my journey, but here is a summary list about each stopping off point.

Starting in NYC’s Penn Station, I travel to Seattle, with a 5 hr layover and change of trains in Chicago. I’ll be onboard overnight to Chicago, then 2 more nights, arriving February 15, around 11:30 am. After only being able to wash up onboard, I plan to ask my hosts, Jo & Bill Richie, to let me take a good hot shower soon after arriving. We will be celebrating Jo’s birthday on Saturday, 2/17.

A relatively short 4 hr trip on Sunday, 2/18, takes me to Portland. There I will meet up with my long time friends, John & Mary Stec. I was an usher at their wedding, over 50 years ago! This will be my 3rd trip to their lovely home in St Helens, a short drive from Portland.

Another long ride awaits as I travel 2 nights from Portland, 2/22, to Denver, 2/24. I’ll take a bus to Boulder and get picked up by other long time friends, Lee and Lyn Beaupre. It was Lee that introduced me to John & Mary. Soon after, I would marry Nina and inside about a 2 year span we were 3 married couples, each with child. There were more weekends over next decade or so that all 3 families were together than we were apart. Nina and I added a 2nd daughter, Lee & Lyn and John & Mary each added a 2nd son.

Also in Boulder I hope to meet up with Rebecca B. Rebecca was traveling when I stopped about a year and a half ago to have lunch with her twin brother, Dan. I’ll share my story about those two and their mom, Jennifer B.

Leaving Denver on 2/27, I will overnight on Amtrak and arrive in the afternoon on 2/28. There I will spend time with my amazing niece, Sarah Franklin, her terrific husband, Jayson, along with a very large number of wonderful children – names and ages in a forthcoming post.

One more overnight, Chicago to NYC, 3/2-3/3, gets me back to The City!

I’ve thought about adding a trip up and back to Montreal, the train fare would be covered, but I’m guessing that will be enough travel for awhile.

Please tag along on my adventure. I plan to post links on Facebook and perhaps expand to other social media. Comments are always most welcome.

Wm initials

Saying Goodby to Medicare Part D

It’s that time of the year, Medicare Annual Enrollment is now open. Time to see if we might find a better prescription drug plan, perhaps save $100 or $200 in 2024. What if I told you I have a plan to save $1,200 instead?

Last year around the start of November I hit the 2nd gap in my Medicare Part D prescription coverage. I discovered, instead of a copay of $120 for a 3 month supply of Eliquis, I would be paying would be paying $462 for a 3 month supply. I shelled out $154 for 1 month and started looking to see if I could find a different plan going into 2023.

Turns out I had an appointment with my cardiologist before that supply ran out. I told him my story, we checked alternatives, none saved me money. Before I left my exam I had 2 months supply of Eliquis samples.

Starting in January I had a new plan with Cigna, it looked to be a little less money and, since I did not need my first prescription of Eliquis filled until the start of February, I naively thought I might stretch my gap to closer to the end of the year. When I went to refill my Eliquis near the start of September, I was dumbfounded to learn I was already in the gap period, almost 2 months earlier. Not only was it not less, if I couldn’t again be gifted samples, I was looking at paying about $400 more than last year.

Checking online, Forbes rated United Healthcare #1 and Cigna #2 for Part D subscription coverage.

If I switch to the Cigna Saver Rx plan for 2024 it would be about $200 cheaper than the Cigna plan I currently have.

Cigna Saver Rx: $2,484

This is how is what switching to the UHC plan would cost me. To get that estimate I entered all the drugs I am currently taking.

Rx Preferred from UHC: $1,492 (yr premium) + $1,067 (drugs) = $2,549

Next I looked at Online Pharmacies Canada. I have ordered from them in the past, before getting into any drug plan. I have been really impressed with them. The generic equivalent of Eliquis, Apixaban, was was approved in 2020, available in Canada, not the U.S. These were my totals purchasing the generic equivalents without insurance:

  • Eliquis – Apixaban $643
  • Furosemide $112
  • Sotalol $140
  • Atorvastatin $204

Online Pharmacies Canada: $1,099 add shipping ~$1,300

Okay, there’s a saving’s of around $1,200. Not bad for a few hours work.

Next I was reminded to check GoodRx. I’ve used them before, a small pharmacy in Arizona was kind enough to suggest it when I was in shock about some drug I was prescribed. I was already a member, so I signed in and did some checking. They have “coupons” with excellent 1 time savings, but I soon saw that if I were to get all my prescriptions filled through them I needed to become what they call a “Gold Member”. That’s $10/mo and not all pharmacies that honor GoodRx are part of the Gold Membership network. Costco, which I was thinking about joining anyway, is part of the Gold network with some of the best prices. Here’s what I calculated (rounding):

  • Gold Membership $10/mo = $120
  • Costco $60 (standard 1 yr)
  • Atorvastatin $13.33/mo = $160
  • Sotalol $39.50/3 mo = $118
  • Furosemide $15.20 = $182
  • Eliquis $565/mo = $6,950

Let’s forget about Eliquis for the moment – I suspect strongly I know the story on why that’s the way it is – and do the totals without that outlier.

GoodRx: $630
Online Canada: $556 [without Eliquis or shipping]

I call that a tie and, personally, I say the tie goes to GoodRx for convenience and the very high likelihood that my prescription needs are going to change. I’m almost certainly on Eliquis, or an equivalent, for the remainder of my days. I think it will be at least 3 more years before the generic Eliquis, Apixaban, is available in the U.S.

So, unless something changes this is my plan:

  • Quit my Part D ripoff prescription drug plan
  • Join Costco (they also have some great men’s clothing)
  • Make GoodRx my primary prescription drug plan
  • Order the generic Apixaban from our neighbors to the north.

GoodRx + Online Pharmacies Canada = $630 + $643 = $1,273

Savings: $2,484 – $1,273 = $1,211

As always, your comments are appreciated and have a healthy new year.

Wm initials

Texas Cabin to Brooklyn

Planning my move from my little Texas Cabin home in Kerrville, TX to two new homes in Brooklyn, NY. and Albany, NH.

Here’s what the route looks like at the moment.

Santa Fe, New Mexico

I plan to spend 2 nights in Santa Fe, with camping at Black Canyon Campground – Santa Fe National Forest. Many years ago, a group of family members took a drive to Santa Fe from Albuquerque, along with my Haskell cousins. We were celebrating a remembrance of my Uncle Don Haskell. I recall being impressed with the town, this will be a chance to revisit.

Boulder, Colorado

Home for Dan & Rebecca Boozan, as well as Lee & Lyn Beaupre.

Dan & Rebecca’s mom, Jennifer Beckwith, died far too young. I think Dan & Rebecca, twins, were 3 when she succumbed to cancer, pretty sure they turned 41 recently. Jennifer and I met when she took a job with IBM after graduating from UVM. We were part of a department formed mostly of new hires – I was an exception, 10 years. Our task was to take over a chip manufacturing software system from a group in Manassas, Va, where their plant was closing. Over the next 6 months I traveled back and forth weekends to Essex Junction, Vt where I lived with my former wife and a very young Jennifer & Hilary. Most nights in Manassas JB – as I called her to differentiate with my Jennifer, who became “JL” – and I spent time together.

Although at times I wished JB and I were romantically involved, that never came to be. What did come was far better, we became the closest friends either of us had ever found. Here’s something I wrote many years ago on Valentine’s Day, JB, The Night We Danced.

I won’t get to see Rebecca this trip, she’ll be off in Switzerland, running through the Alps. I plan to visit with Dan.

Lee & Lyn were also very special friends from back in my earliest days at IBM in Essex Jct, Vt. They had 2 boys, both a little younger than JL. JL’s middlr name is “Lyn”. I’ll write more about both after a visit.

Chicago, Illinois

Visit with my niece, Sarah McHone Franklin, husband, Jayson, and their large and wonderful family. Wander to places in Chicago mentioned by my friend J. D. Walton. JD was from my hometown, Port Henry. He died a year or so ago, far too young.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Explore Bronzeville, Milwaukee, a neighborhood with a rich African American culture. Also, I’ll visit Amaranth Bakery, owned and run by David Boucher and Stephanie Shipley. Years ago, I met David and Stephanie when they were looking to purchase a property in Westport, NY. They bought a place I had listed, called “The Plank House”. We became friends and I visited Amaranth many years ago on a side trip from Chicago. Very possibly the best bakery in the world!

Toronto, Canada

Possible visits with Aleyda & family, as well as Marty Webb Thorn, a college heart throb.

Montreal, Canada

My 2nd favorite city in North America. Among many other things, possibly attend the International Black Film Festival. Here’s on film, I’ll plan to see either live or streamed, One Pint at a Time, a documentary feature about the history of black beer brewers. A good list is Things to do in Montreal – September. I’ll do a best of the Montreal bagel tour, bringing a significant number of the “best” to my new homes.

36 Wildwood Rd, Albany, New Hampshire

My new “official” 2nd residence, owned by daughter Jennifer.

3500 Snyder Ave, Brooklyn, NY

My new “official” residence, owned by daughter Hilary.

Planning my Move

In planning my move I’m anticipating rarely, if ever, making the drive again between the northeast and either Texas or Arizona, my two homes the past several years. As such, I want to take my time, visit friends, family and places along the way. I want it to be a memorable adventure.

I also plan to update and document this trip, look for posts here, on Facebook and Twitter.

Activity & Weight Tracking – Part 2

Activity & Weight Tracking is part of a Healthy Lifestyle Plan that I have adopted. I started with a month of intermittent fasting, see Activity & Weight Tracking. I intended to continue with monthly updates, still tracking daily weight & activity except no longer fasting. Sometimes life gets in the way, it did for me. Starting with the day below, I’m trying again.

As mentioned before, I am not on a diet. I am looking to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle. What that is for me is almost certainly different for you and everyone else. Some of the reasons I have gap in this process is that I have had personal health challenges. I’ll mention those if I feel numbers recorded here are effected.

With that I’ll begin again. Comments are very much welcome, thank you.

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Daily Tracking

Week 1 of 4 Weeks of Tracking

July 22, 2022
Typical Breakfast

Weight: 192.8
Steps: 2370/5000
Daily Calm: 10
BP: 114/63 HR: 75

Start of what I hope will be a full month dedicated to establishing a better overall health.

I have a lung infection and asthma. A couple weeks ago I saw a specialist and he took me off two fairly serious drugs that my pulmonologist prescribed. Along with other side effects, my blood pressure during my fasting month was higher than normal for me. The recording above is more typical, hopefully that continues.

My weight this morning is somewhat higher than the 190.0 that I feel was a baseline at the end of my fasting month. We’ll see how that goes. The photo shows a typical breakfast with the exception of the bagel and cream cheese. The egg, avocado, berries, walnuts and fermented sauerkraut is part of most mornings.

July 23, 2022
Dietary Fiber

Weight: 193.6
Steps: 3110/5000
Daily Calm: 20
BP: 108/61 HR: 60

The weight has a lot to do with retaining fluids. Some medical conditions are effecting this, I’ll work on it. Another typical breakfast, a couple times each week, includes oatmeal. Very high in dietary fiber, essential to a healthy diet and easy weight control.

July 24, 2022
Dietary Fiber

Weight: 193.6
Steps: 2264/5000
Daily Calm: 35

July 25, 2022
Dietary Fiber

Weight: 192.2
Steps: xxxx/5000
Daily Calm: 20
BP: 1108/61 HR: 60

Week 1 – Summary 7/22 to 7/28

  • Weight Start: 192.8 End: xxx.x
  • Steps Avg: xxxx/day Goal: 5000/day xx% of goal
  • Daily Calm Meditation: xx min/day
  • Wm’s Yoga: x days x hrs xx min
  • BP: xxx/xx HR: xx

Weight & Moving Avg – Fasting Month

Weight by Day 6/1-29/2022