Letters Written & Answered

Write your last creative piece to submit online. Combine poetry and prose in an experimental piece. Use the principles we have covered this semester.

”Letters Written & Answered” is a major category in WhereIDwell.news, a blog still in development. What follows here is being submitted as a ”Final piece of writing” for Dr. Kathleen Hudson’s Creative Writing Class.

Dr. Kathleen Hudson
Dr Kathleen Hudson

This is an actual photo taken during class. Look carefully, you can almost hear a main principle — as I am hearing at this very moment — coming from Dr. K’s lips, ”SNAG THE MOMENT”. It’s 12:53 AM, I’m snagging it!

Subcategories of Letters Written & Answered in Where I Dwell are broadly grouped as:

Physical Dwelling: Our homes, communities, country…

Personal Dwelling: When our minds take us to friends, family, health challenges, careers…

Ethereal Dwelling: Merriam-Webster defines ethereal as:

  • of or relating to the regions beyond the earth
  • celestial, heavenly
  • unworldly, spiritual
  • lacking material substance

This assignment is intended to become part of an explanation of the focus of the Letters Written & Answered category. An example of a letter I wrote and posted previously, When God is Created by Man, can be found is available for review on my blog created for this class. I place this squarely in the ethereal subcategory.

My poetic contribution tries to show where my writing is taking me…

Where I Dwell

In a night filled with mad passion,
Egg & Sperm first met.
264 nights later,
I chose to offload.

I came out screaming,
Turning a mother’s pain to joy
4 walls enough for me
Wm’s cabin, my Physical abode.

What day, what hour is not filled
With thoughts that drift to those we love?
Our family, our friends
Even those that may cause grief and harm

May thoughtful letters written
Become welcome letters received
Freeing mind, body and spirit from
States of Personal alarm

Far deeper thoughts arrive unannounced
Oft times as a dream in a dark night
Or wandering along a stream, a forest path
A place, a time, no one can tell

Letters Written & Received
Transcendentally from an unknown abode
Evoke thoughts of eternity
In which to Ethereally Dwell

From the class, this piece forms a basis for another strong principle. That is, we all have stories worthy of telling and the ability to tell those stories in compelling ways. Throughout these past 6 weeks we have been given the confidence to trust in ourselves to share those stories.

Wm initials

Musings From Wm’s Cabin

Musings come uninvited when living alone in a little cabin. Writing is elusive, temperamental, seemingly on a time table in some parallel universe. When it does show, you’d best be available, it can disappear without a trace.

I’m a 76 year old, about to spend 4 days a week over the next 6 weeks in a Creative Writing class, searching for answers on how to transform musings into writings.

Two hens and a rooster at Wm’s cabin
Two hens and a rooster

Every day at my little cabin I’m joined by these 3 residents. They enjoy a pretty comfortable life, staying “mostly” on the lower 3 acres of the 5 acre property. The hens provide maybe 3-5 eggs a week. The rooster just showed up one day a couple years back, we’re not sure from where, but he obviously found this new living arrangement to his liking. A bit of an attention seeker, he’ll crow with the best of them.

Writing space in Wm’s cabin
My primary writing space
Kitchen area of Wm’s cabin
2 induction cook tops and fridge plenty big enough…
Sleeping and dining area of Wm’s cabin
Fine dining, a comfortable bed

My cabin suits me just fine. For a good share of my life I’ve lived in pretty small spaces. In 1987 I took a job in New York City. For the next 12 years, mostly small studio apartments.

In 2010 I bought a 21′ travel van I named “Moe”. Most of the next 10 years Moe and I spent wandering. Winters in Austin, summers in the Adirondacks. Moe was my home.

I’ve got a whole bunch of stories bottled up inside my mind, most times as musings. Yet to see if this class releases any as writings. Check in once in awhile, or send me a note and I’ll add you to my contacts and update you on new posts. You’ll always be welcome to comment, even write a post or two yourself, I’ll publish most anything… never a charge.

Have a Beautiful Day,

Wm signature